What a great word!!!
My glucose test came back within normal range. YAY!!! Wasn't too worried but nice to have it behind me... although did get a bit of a shock when they called as typically my OB goes with the no news is good news philosophy most of the time, so was stunned when her number came up on my phone...
Next appointment I'll be in the third trimester!!! WOW! I have less than 100 days till we met the little man (still no name...) Was hoping to get an idea when she'll set the c/s but she was out sick and next month she will be out having a baby!!! (She'll be back to work fairly quickly so will see her at my 32 week apt)
The little man is a mover and a shaker!!! He moves so much, unlike Ramey ever did. With Ramey, any time I would have Ron try to feel her move, she would stop, almost instantly... So a few nights ago the little man was going crazy so I turn to Ron and ask him if he wants to feel the baby... sure he'd love too!!! (pg brain won't allow me to come up with the proper word to describe my motive, but it wasn't for him to feel the baby) I thought for sure he would stop but he got a chance to feel the alien in my stomach that doesn't stop! (Guessing the current non-stop movement could be attributed to the ice cream I just had, LOL)
With all the movement he does, it makes me wonder how different he will be than Ramey. She was a relatively calm fetus and a fairly calm baby... Really hoping its just a coincidence, as not sure how I'll handle an active toddler and an active newborn!
More NORMAL results...
Papa's has given us a bit of a scare recently... he had a minor procedure which lead to more tests and more test, which Grandma said is "normal" since they are old and reminded me of when I had chest pains, which each test seemed to lead to another test (granted we never did come to a conclusive dx, but guessing it was gas...) Anyway, the long and short... chest x-ray lead to CT scan which lead to PT scan...
The waiting for the PT scan results was tough but like Grandma said... when you start to worry, say a little prayer and God will take the worry away (it worked, thanks Grandma!!) Well the results are in... NORMAL!!! They will do a follow up CT scan in 6 months... what a relief! Now he just has to get released to do the stress test.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Not Nice...
One of Ramey's new sayings:
Not Nice
I try hard to avoid over using "no" and try to tell Ramey what I want her to do rather than say "no hitting" "no biting" "no throwing" etc. (when you say "no _____" those with short attention spans only hear the _______ part so they may continue to ____ therefore I try to focus on what she should do; be nice, gentle, walking walking, quiet voices) Some instances there isn't a good alternative so I'll say "not nice" (I do this at school too; more so to help the kids develop language skills rather than being physical: hitting/biting and to say I don't like that, stop, that's not nice)
Back to Ramey, since she is at school with me, she hears this there too (the other teachers have started saying it too) The other day one of her teachers told me she had started to say this and I had a little laugh...
This morning while we were snuggling in bed, Ron went to rub/pat Ramey's back and she turns to him and says "not nice" Guess she wasn't in a snugglely mood after all.
Another cute story:
Ron got tickets to the Blackhawks playoff game tonight and while we were waiting for his ride we waited outside with him. Ramey was not happy to see him go and began having a fit. She started crying for Dada and I swear she was saying "why" in between her whaling and cries for Dada... I couldn't get the video camera fast enough

I try hard to avoid over using "no" and try to tell Ramey what I want her to do rather than say "no hitting" "no biting" "no throwing" etc. (when you say "no _____" those with short attention spans only hear the _______ part so they may continue to ____ therefore I try to focus on what she should do; be nice, gentle, walking walking, quiet voices) Some instances there isn't a good alternative so I'll say "not nice" (I do this at school too; more so to help the kids develop language skills rather than being physical: hitting/biting and to say I don't like that, stop, that's not nice)
Back to Ramey, since she is at school with me, she hears this there too (the other teachers have started saying it too) The other day one of her teachers told me she had started to say this and I had a little laugh...
This morning while we were snuggling in bed, Ron went to rub/pat Ramey's back and she turns to him and says "not nice" Guess she wasn't in a snugglely mood after all.
Another cute story:
Ron got tickets to the Blackhawks playoff game tonight and while we were waiting for his ride we waited outside with him. Ramey was not happy to see him go and began having a fit. She started crying for Dada and I swear she was saying "why" in between her whaling and cries for Dada... I couldn't get the video camera fast enough
Not from tonight but still cute

24 weeks (6 months)
Wow.... where did the time go!!! I'm 24 weeks (25 this weekend) Getting close to the third trimester, seriously where did the time go?!?!
I think I missed my second trimester burst of energy window with illness. The first trimester was a blur and full of morning/evening sickness and exhaustion. Second trimester came and I do recall a few days of feeling good and having enough energy to be a good mom and wife but not for long. Between a stomach bug and sinus infection and now ear congestion, I think I missed my window of the second trimester burst of energy.
Had my 24 week appt today... weight gain is good and blood pressure was good!! Heartbeat sounded great and measuring on track. Drank the orange drink (thankfully it was cold) and had my blood draw, result should be in on Mon or Tues... Little man really liked the drink and moved about like crazy! I handled it well... how well is yet to be seen
Little man is moving about (all the time!) and Ron got to feel him move the other night... I really wanted him to stop and I thought if Ron put his hand on my stomach he would stop, always happened with Ramey, it didn't work :-(
Sometime in the next month we'll need to get all the baby stuff out of storage and let the take over begin (again) Plus we need to get serious deciding on a name...
Had a meeting the other day in a building that required name tags:
I think I missed my second trimester burst of energy window with illness. The first trimester was a blur and full of morning/evening sickness and exhaustion. Second trimester came and I do recall a few days of feeling good and having enough energy to be a good mom and wife but not for long. Between a stomach bug and sinus infection and now ear congestion, I think I missed my window of the second trimester burst of energy.
Had my 24 week appt today... weight gain is good and blood pressure was good!! Heartbeat sounded great and measuring on track. Drank the orange drink (thankfully it was cold) and had my blood draw, result should be in on Mon or Tues... Little man really liked the drink and moved about like crazy! I handled it well... how well is yet to be seen
Little man is moving about (all the time!) and Ron got to feel him move the other night... I really wanted him to stop and I thought if Ron put his hand on my stomach he would stop, always happened with Ramey, it didn't work :-(
Sometime in the next month we'll need to get all the baby stuff out of storage and let the take over begin (again) Plus we need to get serious deciding on a name...
Had a meeting the other day in a building that required name tags:
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sinus Infection Continues
I've been dealing with continual sinus issues this whole pregnancy... they finally turned on me and I now have a nasty sinus infection with fluid in my ears... ugh... Woke up Tuesday with the bruised face feeling and "colorful" discharge. Called OB and decided to continue what I had been doing for a few more days then if by thurs I wasn't feeling better, we'd try an antibiotic.
Was feeling a tiny bit better so decided to wait another day before calling and had the brilliant idea of doing a nasal wash... BAD idea, cleared my sinuses, but flooded my ears! Woke up Friday with the pain still there and more congestion... Called OB back and they called in a Zpack for me, really hope this works... I can handle the nasal congestion but the ears are driving me batty!! I have a new found sympathy for Ron and all his ear issues
water, water and more water... hopefully it helps!
Was feeling a tiny bit better so decided to wait another day before calling and had the brilliant idea of doing a nasal wash... BAD idea, cleared my sinuses, but flooded my ears! Woke up Friday with the pain still there and more congestion... Called OB back and they called in a Zpack for me, really hope this works... I can handle the nasal congestion but the ears are driving me batty!! I have a new found sympathy for Ron and all his ear issues
water, water and more water... hopefully it helps!
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