Tuesday, March 23, 2010

18 Months

My big girl and her big personality!!!

My mirror is no longer ever clean

What she is up to now:

~walking, running, jumping, twirling, dancing... and climbing everything
~talking up a storm, only understand about half of it but she has A LOT to say!
~plays well with other children
~gives hugs and kisses, waves by-by while saying "see ya!"
~has mastered the art of a "death stare" as we call it
~matches shoes and the tops to her sippy cups
~assists in dressing herself
~ uses a spoon and fork (makes a bit of a mess but does very well) drinking pretty well from a big girl cup
~throws a small ball (sometimes it goes behind her)
~feeds the dog breakfast and dinner and gives her treats
~scribbles (loves markers!!! Thank god for washable markers!!)
~shares toys (and food!)
~loves to clean (takes baby wipes/tissues/paper towels and wipes every surface she can reach)
~sleep down between 730-8 and up 630-7. Taking one nap a day for about 1-1.5 hours (every now and then we get 2 hours)
~weight: 22 lbs 3 oz (10-25%) height: 34 1/2 (>95%) She is still my tall skinny girl!!

I think my little girl is a little OCD. She is very set in her ways. I've tried introducing a new spring jacket, which results in world war 3 with a huge crying fit till she get the heavy weight jacket she's been wearing for awhile (may have to hide it but we still have some cooler mornings) She knows that the mega blocks go in a certain contain and if you try to put other toys in with them she has a fit and empties the box (same thing with the balls) She knows our moring routine and if I try to change it (go laydown in our room for a few minutes before milk/waffle/cereal) she fusses (loudly) I guess its these little things that make her her!! And why we love her so much!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

20 Weeks

Had another u/s today... the BIG scan (although we already knew) just had to verify all the right parts are in place. He was VERY active and didn't stay still very well but the tech was able to get all the images she needed

Ron and Ramey went with. Ramey did very well... she was enthralled with the motion senor water faucet and could careless about the baby on the screen, at lease she was behaving, all wet but quiet.

The rest of the appointment was uneventful, next month the glucose test, hard to believe we are at that point already... time to start thinking of a name and get all the baby stuff out of storage

A few shots of the little man:

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I got my first "NO" from Ramey after dinner the other day....

She wasn't eating very well and I tried offering her more food and she clearly said "NO" and pushed the food away. I was in shock (not really, I knew this day would come) and said to Ron, "she just told me NO" His response was "won't be the last time" Boy how right he was!! I wouldn't say she says it a lot but it is heard throughout the day.

We were walking back from breakfast and Ron was carrying her and giving her a little tickle, she got tired of the game and started telling him "no" when he would go in for a tickle.

Other new words:
help (elp, teachers at school first thought she was making a dog noise)
see ya (along with a wave)
more (mo)
shoe (which she will bring you and insist they are put on, oh and always it is a matching pair)
roll (ro, to the the dog, as in roll over)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

A well household

For the past two weeks, we've been fighting various illnesses...

The girls took me out to high tea for my birthday so it was a daddy-daughter day (with some time with Uncle Brendan too!!) Thought things were going great as hadn't heard anything, that was till I got the text that said: "Ramey just threw up on me"

And then it began... we stayed home from school that Monday and we were sent home on Wednesday... not because of Ramey but because now mommy was sick... not even keeping down water :-( It's not easy being sick and taking care of a 17 month old, did lose 4lbs!!! (don't worry, it's all back now!) It took some time but we slowly started feeling better... Then Saturday morning, Ramey woke with a cough which I wasn't sure if it was in her chest or not and Friday night she had a low grade fever, so... good thing our ped has Saturday hours!! So off to the ped we go... Luckily not in her chest, just your run of the mill URI... no meds, just lots of fluids and run a humidifier...

She seemed better the rest of the weekend and the cough is slowly going away!!!

Then Thursday came... Ron woke up with what he thought was food poisoning... but we had the same thing and I felt fine... I think it was the stomach bug... either way he is feeling better and I now have clean sheets and a clean bathroom (thanks honey!!!) as I refused to be in the same room as him till he was better and the room cleaned!!

Hoping we stay healthy this weekend!! (Especially since the sun is finally shining and it's not below freezing, may have to head to the park after nap!)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Mega Blocks!!

Ramey LOVES her Mega Blocks:
She likes to stack the single blocks but is starting to build more unique structures...

Oh and she still has an obsession with shoes