Saturday, March 20, 2010

20 Weeks

Had another u/s today... the BIG scan (although we already knew) just had to verify all the right parts are in place. He was VERY active and didn't stay still very well but the tech was able to get all the images she needed

Ron and Ramey went with. Ramey did very well... she was enthralled with the motion senor water faucet and could careless about the baby on the screen, at lease she was behaving, all wet but quiet.

The rest of the appointment was uneventful, next month the glucose test, hard to believe we are at that point already... time to start thinking of a name and get all the baby stuff out of storage

A few shots of the little man:


Jennifer Terrero said...

Sooo cute!

~ Maria ~ said...

CONGRATS on your little boy! How exciting!