Thursday, June 11, 2009

mama ma ma mama

The best sound in the whole world!!!

Ramey has started saying mama... not directed towards me or anyone else but it is a great sound to hear. A few weeks ago she was doing the dada da da dadada sound, again not directing it at anyone in particular. She tends to focus on a sound and repeat and repeat and repeat... We've been thru the gee gee gee and the ba ba ba ba and ya ya ya and how could we forget the uhh uhh (grunting/growl compo)

If you want to get technical I think she was making the da da sound before the ma ma sound... so Ron, you win... but its the mama ma ma mama ma ma ma that is heard early in the morning and through out the day.

Last week she also started making a new sound... its hard to put into words but it cracks me up. It's almost like her regular chatter but with a deeper sound... I'm sure we have video... oh Ron?!?!?

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