Thursday, August 12, 2010

Nighty Night

We have a fairly well established night time routine...

-bath (or now shower ~ see end note)
-gathering of the bedtime necessities... blankie, baby, water... oh and the dog

That's right, Lefty is required to attend story time... she is such a good sport, she even knows when its time and will head towards the bedroom with us, we don't even need to call her! It's almost like Lefty has an internal clock that tells her when bedtime is and will automatically head to Ramey's room before we say anything about bedtime.

Once we have everything, it's story time...

If you've had the pleasure of putting Ramey to bed, you know that story time is not short nor easy... She has a collection of books which she wants read in a certain order... she will request books but not by the title, so you must be a little skilled at Ramey-ease.

After "boosh" time, we sing a few songs... "Tinkle, tinkle" would be a favorite; followed closely by "Bus" (wheels on the bus)

~ We had an issue/leak with the tub a few weeks ago so we had to use the guest bathroom which is only a shower... a rainshower head and a hand held shower head, which is mounted at the perfect height for Ramey... She now LOVES taking showers!!!

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