Sunday, August 1, 2010


We have been battling a little jaundice since leaving the hospital.

The ped order the bili lights for us to do at home... double lights (one for the front, one for the back) So home we headed...

The lights arrive and the guys show us how to use them... pretty easy... oh wait, how long and often do we use them for?!? Minor detail we didn't get (or remember) from when we were in the hospital. So it's 7:30 pm (right around shift change) and not sure if my discharge nurse would still be in... after a few tears (damn hormones) we got everything sorted out... for as long and often as possible.

So we got our little glow worm all set up

Nana was wonderful and slept on the couch so I could sleep in my bed and she would keep an eye on him plus give him a bottle if needed.

Off to the ped Friday morning for Ethan's 4 day check up and bili test... skin test showed a dramatic drop!!! We hadn't made it to the lab for the blood test, but given the drop she said not to worry about it, just to come back the next day as with the lights there can be a rebound effect.

Well not sure if it was the reader or what but the next day the skin test was much higher than anticipated and he was "tan" again... The readers at the office showed higher numbers with almost a 2 point difference between the readers so we opted to get the blood test, which was down from when we were in the hospital but still elevated... she suggested feeding every 2 hours (if/when possible) and giving bottles in between if/when possible plus keep on eye on poopy diapers and recheck Sunday.

The blood test Sunday showed that his level dropped (not a ton) but enough that she isn't worried... so we are to continue what we were doing. He is looking better, not as orange... still tan but given his level not surprising.

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