Monday, July 12, 2010

Potty Training... the beginning

We haven't completely/officially begun the process, but someone is starting to show some sings of readiness...

I know I'm not ready (mainly because I can't bend over to clean up the messes LOL!) If I could bend over, now would be a great time to potty train, being that I have to pee every 20 mins!! Plus would be nice to have only one in diapers

A while back I got Ramey her own potty chair... she wouldn't even sit on it!!! Over time we worked on that, first with clothes still on then just diaper... I only let her play with stickers while on the potty, so that was/is a big motivator for her, by the end of the day the dog and I have our fair share of stickers on us

We are at a point where she asks for the potty and takes her pants off (just started taking the diaper off too! I'm in trouble now!) She has the process down: pants off, diaper off, sit, ask for toilet paper, wipe and wash hands... Now we just need to catch the pee! We have been going thru a lot of diapers because once she takes it off, she says "yucky" and throws it in the trash... So basically if she asks, we go sit... when I go, she tends to follow and wants to sit too... We've only hit the mark once (pure luck) I'm just following her lead for now.

She won't put her Elmo underwear on yet, but we're working on it. She does only want to wear the pampers with Elmo on them. (Luckily she hasn't caught on to my switcher-oo.) Once I can get her to wear the underwear, I would like to go diaper free (except nap & night) but that depends on how I'm doing. I have a feeling I may have a newborn and be potty training a toddler at the same time (Or may be Nana and Aunt Donna will be here to help!!)

Cute story:
A few weeks ago we were in the bathroom, she stood up and peed, looked at me and goes "juice!"

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