Saturday, May 29, 2010

One year eight months and five days

That's how long it took to get our first "MINE"

The ceiling fan in our room has a remote... Ramey likes to gather various items and place them in Ron's side table. Well she got a hold of the remote and kept turning the light on while we were still trying to rest. Ron went to take it away and she very loud and clearly said "MINE"

Terrible two's here we come!!

When we went to leave for breakfast this morning, Ramey told me "No... down" (as in no, you stay here and sit down, I'm going outside with Dadda) She's getting a bit bossy too!! She tells us "NO NO NO NO" quite often with a little head shake

Her vocabulary has really started to grow over the past few weeks, so much so that it's hard to keep up with her new words. She does still use the same word for a number of objects: cracker applies to any cracker shaped object, including cookies and waffle is either a pancake or waffle. She repeats everything and understands so much more... we have entered the world of spelling words (outside and juice are at the top of the list)

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