While Ron was away on a boys weekend... Ramey and I made the long drive down to St. Louis.
We left Thurs afternoon and had an overnight layover in Bloomington. We spent the afternoon playing with Big G and Little G, then had an impromptu gathering for dinner with the rest of the family.

Ramey slept very well at Granma and Papa's house... 12+ hours!!! After a quick tire check, we were on the road... Ramey was asleep shortly after take off... we made it more than halfway before needing to take a quick break.
We had a great time with Aunt Donna, Uncle Bruce and the boys, Uncle Brendan and Grandma...

Ramey LOVES her new activity table

Grandma Betty and Coby helped give Ramey a bath

Our trip to the zoo was short and sweet thanks to the rain that refused to let up until we got back to the car. We really could have used an extra umbrella... too bad I didn't realize we had one in the stroller basket till I was putting it back in the car LOL Due to the rain, we didn't get our picture with the bronze gorilla... looks like daddy will be able to be there for that!!
Saturday evening was spent with more friends and family.

Sunday was a full day as well... breakfast, followed by meeting many of Grandma Betty's friends... nap then it was time to hit the road again. Ramey slept almost all the way to Springfield!! The rest of the trip was pretty quick with an extended layover in Bloomington again. We stopped at Brian and Kristin's again, Cindi and the girls stopped by too!!! We got jammies on for the finally leg of our journey and Ramey slept till we got off the highway. She then had some snuggle time with daddy...
It was a long trip but great to see everyone!!!