Sunday, January 3, 2010

Blabber Mouth

Since Ramey got her tubes, she has been babbling a ton!!! I really wish I could understand what she is saying!

I swear I've heard her say "thank you" (and at appropriate times!!) and "hi guys" and "adios" (along with waving)

She really likes to say "uh-oh" even when she throws the cup across the room... I have to reminder her "Uh-oh" is when something happens on accident not when you purposely drop/throw something... oh well... we'll keep working on it.

Plus most 4 legged animals are being called doggie. She loves to look out the window and point at the doggies that walk by. Speaking of doggies... she is lovin' her Lefty and lovin' climbing on her. Every now and then I find her sitting on the dogs back... It's a good thing we "tortured" her when she was a puppy

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