Thursday, April 30, 2009

Seven Month stats...

We went for our (second) follow up for Ramey's ear infection today....

drum roll please....

All clear!!! Both ears look great. She is weighing in at 15lbs 8oz!! (Still hasn't doubled her birth weight)
The Dr. was impressed with all her skills. Ramey then got her six month shots... she did great!! I was so proud of my little girl!! (until after her nap when she wouldn't let me put her down :-( )

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Don't look at me...

I didn't do it... it wasn't me...

It must have been Lefty...
I'm sure I'll be seeing more of this face in the future.

We've got a real talker over here...

Ramey must be related to me... she never stops talking :-P

No real words yet, just a bunch of babble...

A lot of EEEEE's.... ya ya ya ya .... ga ga ga, gee gee gee.... aye aye... and sometimes a combination of aye ya, aye ya, aye ya... and what sounds like hey as well as an occasional daa daa daa daa

Monday, April 27, 2009

A day at the Park...

Or at least a few minutes before the rain hit.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Seven Months... Already?!?!

click the pic to see the four teeth

I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again and again...Where did my baby go?!?! They grow up so fast

A few of her latest accomplishments:
~ Crawling
~ Pulling herself to standing
~ Sits without support and gets into sitting position by herself
~ Transfers toy from one hand to the other
~ *Talks* to toys
~ Has 4 teeth (and a fifth one on the way!!)
~ Working on her downward dog
~ Prefers to feed herself: cheerios, puffs, bananas, peaches and pears

We started Water Babies and Baby Bijorn class at the gym and Ramey is loving it.

This month Ramey will have her first beach experience!!! Hope she loves it as much as her mom does!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Where did my baby go?!?!

Pause button.... Pause button... I need a pause button!!!
My baby girl is growing up way too fast:

Who needs fancy baby toys when you have a diaper box?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Hoppy Easter

We had a great Easter at Grandma and Papa's:
I made an Easter Bunny Rice Crispy Treat

The happy family

The Easter Egg hunt

Ramey's first piano lesson

We took Grandma Cheryl some flowers and showed her how cute Ramey is in the outfit she got for her

More pics:

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ready, Set, Crawl

That's right our little girl is officially mobile.

Lefty's food and water have been moved.... The garbage can: moved.... Catus: moved... Outlet covers: installed... Let the baby proofing begin!

So this is not the original video (on video camera and can't download...Ron help!!!) But as you can see she is really moving now

Monday, April 6, 2009

Time to lower the bed

So this is what I discovered when I went to get Ramey up from her nap (which didn't really happen either)

Eating out

Donna and Bruce came up for the weekend to go to a hockey game with the boys for Bruce's birthday on Friday... Blackhawks won!!!

On Saturday we all went out for breakfast and Ramey sat in a restaurant highchair for the first time!! She did great and didn't make too much of a mess either. She enjoyed some Cheerios and sweet potato puffs while we enjoyed cinnamon rolls and eggs.

Yesterday we went our for lunch and Ramey sat in a highchair again and ate banana all by herself.... granted she tried to eat it directly off the table first (EEWWWW!) but overall did great!!

Aunt Donna (Bruce too) and Grandma Betty got our little jumper her very own jumperoo!!! She has really enjoyed it and has given our arms a break, although she prefers to jump with Daddy as she gets to go real high:
Will have to get some pics of her in her jumperoo