Monday, December 7, 2009

ENT update

Last weekend we had our follow up appointment with the ent about Rameys ears and adenoids.

At Ramey's last ped appointment, she was all clear... no fluid no infection... Well on saturday, he saw fluid, I wasn't all that surprised as she had a cold early in the week and anytime she gets a cold, she gets an ear infection (so will be watching her closely) Dr R suggested we get a hearing test to see if the fluid is affecting her hearing... The results (on the only test she would allow) showed her hearing is being affected, she was able to verify that she does in fact have fluid... Knowing that we are just entering cold season and the hearing results, we opted to go ahead a schedule for her to get tubes (Dec 17th) All those that I've talked to said the procedure was quick with a fast recovery... hope that is our case as well.

As for the adenoids... we are to continue to watch her while she is sleeping looking for mouth breathing and snoring... plus she is a restless sleeper (all over the crib) Knowing that she has a 50% blockage, she is on the cusp as to have them removed or not... again we'll watch and report then may do a sleep study if things do not improve or change.

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