Today was the day we were supposed to get tubes... someone decided she didn't want them and got a 6th ear infection, thinking that would stop it... ha on her... it was the fever and vomiting that postponed the procedure.
Over the weekend she had a cough and runny nose, which turned into a fever. Headed to the ped on Tuesday as she was going on day 3 of a fever... turns out its another ear infection, surprise surprise. (not really since the ent saw fluid 2 weeks ago) Ped thought we should be able to go ahead with the procedure as long as the fever went away...
Fever went away but the vomiting and diarrhea started. Ron and I decided it would be best to wait till she was feeling better to put her under anesthesia. So the tubes will be placed De 28th
She is feeling a little better today, enjoying some Little Bear and The Wiggles!! (and licking the peanut butter off the bagel, then leaving peanut butter prints throughout my house which Lefty is so generously cleaning up for me) (ped said it was ok to give peanut butter to help with weight gain and since we do not have food allergies in our families we could)