Friday, December 5, 2008

Ramey rolled over!!!

Today during tummy time Ramey rolled over from her tummy to her back!!! She's done it a few times on the bed or couch...but today she did it on the floor!!! My little girl is getting so big!!!

So far she is sleeping great at night (from 9-5!!!) We are enjoying it while we can as I've heard this may change. However, she isn't much of a napper, I'm lucky if I get 45 minutes...most times I can get her back down, but not always and when I do it's only for another 20-30 minutes... I've decided not to fight it and just make sure she rest (preferably sleeps) again in 2 hours.

1 comment:

~ Maria ~ said...

YAY RAMEY!!!!! YOu are getting so big girl!!!!!

I am loving that hair!

I am also glad to hear that Miss Baylee isn't the only one refusing to nap!