Can someone please pause time... my little girl is getting so big!
Ramey is a growing girl:
10 lbs 3 oz (25-50 percentile)
23 1/2 inches (90 percentile)
She dropped in weight percentile so we'll go back for a 3 month weight check just to make sure she continues to gain...
She handled her first round of shots better than her mother did... good thing dad came along too! She only had a slight fever (felt warm) that night.
Ramey loves to talk to her friends on her activity mat and enjoys telling us stories during diaper changes... she is one chatty cathy! She has discovered her hands and can spend hours just staring at them or trying to figure out how to fit them in her mouth (at the same time...)
She also loves to stand tall and show us how big she is!!! She is going to be all over the place before we know it!