Monday, March 28, 2011

First Haircut

It only took 2 1/2 years to grow it... but the time has come to get a trim...
Look at that long hair!
She sat so well for Anastasia
She even got a cute little braid!
Wasn't so sure about the hairdryer
So pretty!

Crawling, sitting, standing.... OH MY!!!

The little man is now 8 months and not so little any more.... Not sure on the latest weight/height stats but on the home bathroom scale he is over 16lbs!!!

A few things he is up too!!

~Getting into sitting position
~Pulling to stand

~Walking along furniture (just started this)
~Mini waves (not always with a "HI!!")
~Working on "So BIG!"
~Loves to eat "real" food, favorites include: blueberries, strawberries, mango, honeydew, yogurt, cheese, green beans, peas, carrots, peaches, zucchini, squash, sweet potatoes, pancakes... I could keep going...
I got some Greek yogurt to try... gave Ethan a taste...
he ended up eating the whole thing!

He still only has 2 teeth but the top ones are so close to popping thru... its painful to look at them I can't imagine how he feels!

Donna and Great Grandma Betty came up for a visit... we had a great weekend (mommy & daddy even got in a date night!)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

My little ballerina

Ramey is definitely a girly girl....

For weeks she has been wearing her pink tutu...EVERYWHERE!!! Then I got her a pink "shine" (aka crown) after a visit to Bloomington where she wore one of her cousins and then talked about it for days....

Well my little twinkle toes, twirling and whirling to any music that would come on was always asking to dance... So we decided to sign her up for ballet... and to say she LOVES "dancing school" would be an understatement.... I quit counting how many times a day she asks about "dancing school"

Now she wears her tutu, shine and slip-ries (ballet shoes) everyday! She would wear the whole get up if she could get it on by herself... I have to hide it otherwise she constantly begs to wear it... As I speak she is in bed/sleeping... wearing jammies with her shine, tutu and slip-ries.... Love that girl!!!

Ms. Jenny is her teacher and there are only about 4 lil' girls in the class... I was without my phone for the first class so will try to get a few pics/video at the next one.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Kiss Me, I'm Irish

Our mini photo shoot was only mildly successful... Ramey didn't want to sit still and when I finally got her to calm down, Ethan was no longer happy... I decided to go with the happy blurry kids pictures! Enjoy!