Thursday, October 28, 2010

3 Month

I'm HOW old?!?!
Its hard to believe that 3 months have already passed by... I really wish I could freeze time and just hold onto my baby for awhile longer, he is growing up way too fast!!
Ethan's skills:
~ Smiling & laughing
~ Opening his hands & holding a few select toys
~ "Talking" (aaahh's, oooh & goo's)
~ Holds head up high durning tummy time, which he still hates
~ Briefly stands/bears weight on legs
~ Enjoys the playmat & bouncy seat
~ Sits well in the bumbo chair
~ Loves taking a bath and getting his diaper changed (such a boy!)
~ Sleep... don't get me started... some nights are better than others... some days naps are better than others, think we are just beginning the three month growth spurt so hopefully it will all even out in the next week or so. In a technical sense, he is sleeping thru the night (5+ hours) just wish the 5 hours started when I went to sleep instead of at 730

I just can't get enough of my little man... He is my "Mister" (when Ramey says it, it sounds like "Monster", which might be more accurate) "E-man" and my favorite "Mr. Magoo"

Whenever he wakes up, be it first thing in the morning or after a nap, I love to hear Ramey say "Good morning Ethan!!" She loves her baby brother so much and can't wait till she can really play with him and share her snacks with him
but not her gummy vitamin...

She is already showing him who's the boss:
she felt he needed to kiss a bo-bo on her foot (LOL)

She really does love him

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Goebberts Pumpkin Farm

It was a beautiful weekend at the pumpkin farm

Feeding the Llama
and goats
Bella and Ramey had a blast running around in the hay maze
She couldn't get enough of the pumpkin eating [dino]saure
But the jumping pillow was the BEST
She was so busy she wouldn't even look at me to take her picture with the pumpkins

Monday, October 18, 2010

Boo at Brookfield Zoo

We met up with the Mecum girls at Brookfield Zoo on a beautiful afternoon...

Riding the carousal with Olivia & Natalie

Running with Olivia

Checking out the tiger
Watching the big cats sleep

The seals are ready to eat

It was a great afternoon but exhausting...

And one of Ethan...
he was there but was asleep for most of it
(I just love how blue his eyes look in this shot)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

9 Weeks & 2 Years

Both kids needed to go for well baby visits, so I scheduled the appointments together... will NOT be doing that again.

Made the mistake of having Ethan checked out first as when he started crying then Ramey wasn't going to let that lady anywhere near her!!! It took awhile but overall two healthy kids

weight ~ 11lbs 6oz (50th %)
height ~ 23 in (50th %)

He did well with his first round of shots... was a little extra clingy and sleepy but was back to his cute lil' self the next morning

~ Has great head control
~ Hands starting to open
~ Occasionally sucks on a random finger, still prefers the paci
~ Rolls over from tummy to back
~ Cooing, Ooing, Ahhing, Gooing... talking up a storm
~ Typically has one long 5-6 hr stretch at night
~ Naps still irregular, could be do to all the running about we do
~ Not a huge fan of tummy time

weight ~ 24lbs 5oz (10-25th %)
height ~ 34 in (50th %) we think, she wasn't very cooperative standing or laying

She got her flu shot and hep A shot... she recovered quickly and really liked the "stickers" the nurse put on her leg (band-aids)

~ Very verbal... see previous post on 2 word phrases. My personal favorites "luv you" "see soon" "bess you"
~ Echo counts, colors, abc & shapes
~ Loves to color, sing and dance
~ Plays well with others, needs work on sharing
~ Is my little wander-er...
~ Starting to fight nap time... but still needs it
~ Picky eater... loves carbs, fruits and a few veggies
~ Loves her baby brother
~ Takes care of her baby and stuffed animals; gives them bottles, rocks & shh's them to sleep & changes their diapers
~ Likes Mickey Mouse, Elmo & Yo Gabba Gabba

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pumpkin Painting

Dadda and Ramey painted pumpkins this weekend