I'm HOW old?!?!
~ Smiling & laughing
~ Opening his hands & holding a few select toys
~ "Talking" (aaahh's, oooh & goo's)
~ Holds head up high durning tummy time, which he still hates
~ Briefly stands/bears weight on legs
~ Enjoys the playmat & bouncy seat
~ Sits well in the bumbo chair
~ Loves taking a bath and getting his diaper changed (such a boy!)
~ Sleep... don't get me started... some nights are better than others... some days naps are better than others, think we are just beginning the three month growth spurt so hopefully it will all even out in the next week or so. In a technical sense, he is sleeping thru the night (5+ hours) just wish the 5 hours started when I went to sleep instead of at 730
Whenever he wakes up, be it first thing in the morning or after a nap, I love to hear Ramey say "Good morning Ethan!!" She loves her baby brother so much and can't wait till she can really play with him and share her snacks with him
but not her gummy vitamin...
She is already showing him who's the boss:
she felt he needed to kiss a bo-bo on her foot (LOL)
She really does love him