Sunday, October 11, 2009

Got Milk?!?

Ramey does!!!
I was very worried about transitioning Ramey to whole milk as she would spit it out the moment she took a sip. I started offering it to her every few days about 2 months ago and she was not having it. Needless to say we wasted a lot of milk but I'm happy to report we will no longer be wasting milk!!!

They have been offering milk to her at school regularly and she'll have a few ounces here and there but not enough to make me feel comfortable about stopping breast feeding. We've been down to just morning and night for a while but being at in the 5-10 percentile range I felt it best to keep breast feeding to make sure she was getting the calories.So this weekend I decided to give it a try again... and she took 2 oz!!! Did it again later and another 2 oz!!! This continued all day and again on Sunday!! She's done so well that we ran out of milk (good thing Dominicks is only 400 steps away)

Side story:

I went to put her down for a nap and she found the water and Cheerio container and threw a fit when I tried to take them away as in the past when I left them all she did was eat and drink... no napping. But she just held on to them and laid her head on my shoulder. After a few minutes I laid her down in her crib... I thought for sure I'd be back to take away the containers but found this instead
By the time I got the camera she had let go of the water

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