Monday, September 14, 2009

Sick Baby (again...)

Sunday morning Ramey woke with a fever. Her whole body was burning up... I took her jammies off, so she was a diaper baby all morning... every time I tried to dress her she would scream her head off, so the diaper it was. She was super lethargic ALL day. She took a nap on my chest in the morning and snuggled with Daddy in the afternoon.
My poor sick baby
The pictures don't do justice to how pathetic she looked

Not exactly sure what the problem was (is)... could be teething (she is getting her forth molar and incisors)... could be her ears (we had a follow up a few weeks ago, no infection but still had some fluid)... could be a virus. Who knows...

The fever does go down with Tylenol/Motrin. I was ready for a rough night but she only got up once (around 4, gave her some meds and she went right back to sleep) I stayed home with her this morning and she slept for 2 hours on my chest... Loved *almost* every minute of it (the drool drippin onto my chest, not so much LOL) I then went to work so Ron spent the afternoon with her and she slept for about an hour for him. (my no napper slept for 3 hours during the day!!) She still feels a little warm but is more active. Will take temp again in the morning and if still elevated will see about going to the Dr.

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