Saturday, May 23, 2009

Eight Months

While in Puerto Rico people would ask how old Ramey was... I would always respond 7 1/2 even though she was just a few days shy of 8 months old... I just couldn't bring myself to say 8. Guess I better face the facts, she is 8 months old and one day will be 8 years old... my they grow up so fast!

A few of Ramey's latest accomplishments:
~Stands while holding on (one handed at times, occasionally she'll let go with both but immediately goes down)
~ *walks* holding onto furniture
~ Drinks for a sippy cup
~ Has 8 teeth
~Plays well by herself (that is until she sees me) and with others (It was so cute to watch her and Laila play* with each other over the weekend) *crawl up to each other and pat each other on the head
~Not a fan of napping (still doing 30-45 min naps, hoping this improves this month)
~We've added meats and dairy to her diet.
~ Shows preferences when feeding self... will clearly reach for preferred foods (puffs/cheerios)

It's hard to tell but she is starting to do this nose crunch thing with cheesy smiles...The pic of Ramey and Ron (in the Puerto Rico post) she is doing the nose thing too


~ Maria ~ said...

Ramey is such a doll. I love her scruchnose smile, Bay had been doing that too! It kills me! Happy 8 months Miss Ramey!

Jennifer Terrero said...

HAPPY 8MTHS RAMEY!!!!!!!!! She's just adorable!