Sunday, January 31, 2010

Why our neighbor must hate us

This was Ramey all weekend... yesterday it was the popper... back and forth; back and forth; back and forth

Today it was the walker/car

Pitstop... time to RUN up and down the hallway

Switched to action mode on camera as she was going to fast for standard mode

Wait, let me close the door... promise I won't slam it... This time...

And we're off again...

She has already master the art of aerodynamics for increased speed

16 month old evil laugh
Everywhere she went this weekend she had the car with her... no wonder our neighbor is talking about moving!!

We really need warmer weather so we can go outside and do this...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Monkey... literally

Ramey is our monkey... now literally.

She has really started to climb on anything and everything. She can easily get on the couch and the ottoman...

And the kitchen counter!!! (with a little help from her kitchen table)

I guess she thought the counter needed to be cleaned!
She started by climbing on the chairs, then the table then onto the kitchen counter... Took the chairs away, made her mad but didn't stop her... she was able to climb up from just the table!!!

The table and chairs have since been relocated!! (sorry monkey!)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Oh so cute...

That's my girl!!!

I had fun doing her hair!!! Piggie Tails!!!

A few just for fun shots!
Toy central at our house... aka our living room

Who doesn't loves "see food"?!?!


Saturday, January 9, 2010


We have a new obsession:


Over the weekend, Ramey kept bringing us shoes... her shoes, my shoes, Ron's shoes...

She even decided she needed to wear daddy's!!Don't mind the hair... not sure what we are going to do with it but do know we are in desperate need of a hair cut! Thank goodness for barrettes, bows and ponytail (or pig tails... see next post!!)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy Holidays!!!

Better late than never...

We had a very nice Christmas and New's Years.

Grandma Betty flew up on Christmas Eve and we had a nice dinner at home with her and Uncle Brendan. Ramey had a blast opening the presents... she didn't really care what was inside, she just enjoyed tearing the paper.


Say "cheese" and Garrett pinches his cheeks:

Ramey is out of here

down to busisness

Carli and Mason gave Ramey this chicken thing that makes a loud noise and bounces around; it really freaked Ramey out
(she loves it now... especially throwing it on the floor to make it "dance & sing")

The rest of the weekend was very nice. Aunt Donna came up on Saturday. We all had a great time. Due to the weather and snow we stuck close to home but it was nice to have visitors

New Year's was very low key at the Swan household. Uncle Brendan came over so mom and dad were able to go to a movie (Sherlock Holmes) and dinner. No need for a clock to tell you when the stroke of midnight is in Chicago... The screaming and fireworks awoke me from my slumper... Happy New Year
and back to sleep

Blabber Mouth

Since Ramey got her tubes, she has been babbling a ton!!! I really wish I could understand what she is saying!

I swear I've heard her say "thank you" (and at appropriate times!!) and "hi guys" and "adios" (along with waving)

She really likes to say "uh-oh" even when she throws the cup across the room... I have to reminder her "Uh-oh" is when something happens on accident not when you purposely drop/throw something... oh well... we'll keep working on it.

Plus most 4 legged animals are being called doggie. She loves to look out the window and point at the doggies that walk by. Speaking of doggies... she is lovin' her Lefty and lovin' climbing on her. Every now and then I find her sitting on the dogs back... It's a good thing we "tortured" her when she was a puppy